Website launch in 3 days…

Hello everyone,

While it seems I haven’t been posting much, I have still been busy at work. You see, for the past two months, I’ve been putting in some time working on a small, ok no… BIG! BIG time masterpiece.

It’s my new website!

I have never been into designing before and so this was rather very nerve wrecking to me. Even more now, as I prepare to publish it and share it with the world in 1…2…3 days. Working with a very low budget, I knew I couldn’t afford hiring a mega professional designer. At least, not for my first year. 2015? 2016? heck yes! Hopefully. But for now? I don’t mind doing everything I can to make this journey cost effective for me. Plus, I really really enjoyed tapping into another side of creativity. My education learning all the logistics of how a website is “supposed” to look has all been condensed into whatever I could learn within two months. I looked into different sources from videos, articles, sample work, influences, I mean, everything. Slowly but surely things were all coming together. I actually- really really love my website. 

I believe its completely different than what I’ve seen out there. I tried my very best to make sure it doesn’t look cheesy or too much. So I know I will need one or two constructive criticism on it. At the same time, I’m not aiming for anything too professional because I’m only in my first year in wedding industry and I know all fancy things will come later, eventually. 

In light of completing this site, I needed updated head shots of myself with John to display the team of Bride’s Anchor and of course, our awesome personalities.

I originally requested this favor from a wonderful sister at Sunset Clouds Photography but our plans took an extreme unfortunate turn in which I was so embarrassed for and asked if we could reschedule our date. However, I knew 2/28 is coming up and I still need these photos. So luckily, we managed to ask John’s younger brother, Noel, to take some for us. I gave him a mini-learning session of about 5-10 minutes and this boy surprised us capturing all the perfect frames we wanted. John and I knew the poses we wanted to replicate and Noel took it away with his savy hidden talent. lol.  I won’t give it all away because I want to save them all for the website launch date; but here are few for your enjoyment. 

Till then, take care. 

Yours truly,

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