Brian + Kari – Downtown Orlando Engagement

I am lost for words when I think about this experience. Meeting Brian and Kari for the first time was so sweet. We got along right away as I treated them out for coffee and a treat at Starbucks.

Before meeting them, we exchanged emails. Brian described how they met and his proposal for this fabulous lady. I literally cried tears of joy reading his story. They met at a mutual friends birthday party. His proposal night ended up being at the same house they met for a Friendsgiving — Thanksgiving Dinner. His friends knew the sign of when he was getting ready to make his proposal. Right when he was ready, all their friends slowly backed away from them as he recited a small speech which was followed by going on one knee and as he quoted, “Kari put her hands up to her face, took the cutest little hop backwards and said “YES!””… ahhh… this is when I cried. Literally, I’m not even exaggerating. lol


The week of the shoot, we were so excited because our Florida forecast showed to be sunny at 79 degrees. Well to our much surprise, which should not be since Florida whether is KING to yo-yo weather, morning of the shoot arrived and sure enough we were hit with a random 59 degree weather and cloudy overcast. Why? -_-  I must have prayed so heavy on the way, just begging the Lord for the sun to come out and for us to feel enough warmth of the sun to get by. We were shaky about the weather but once we began shooting, the sun poked itself out, giving us perfect light for all the shots.

Brian and Kari were gorgeous, super in love, and completely took in the moment of their engagement “date” session.

I love the results of these images. This absolutely reflects my style and I am so thankful to this couple for choosing me as their engagement photographer. I wish them an awesome wedding in Georgia this coming summer.

Brian and Kari, thank you so much for choosing me as your engagement photographer. I was such a blessing to have you both part of my love board and growing process in my business this year. Special thanks to Melody Copenny for referring Bride’s Anchor to this gorgeous God-loving couple.

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