Prepping for this weekend – Miami-Dade County Youth Fair

So… I’m so excited and looking forward to this weekend because we will be spending it down in Miami to visit my dad and this year’s County Youth Fair. It goes on every year but the last time I actually went was a little over ten years ago. Can you imagine? Ah. How time flies! When I think about the fair, I’m filled with so many childhood memories. You see, my father always took my younger brother and I every year since we were kids. Up until I reached maybe 17?…. It became old to me and never went again. I wish I had photos of the times we went so I could share (I’ll have to ask my dad if he has any when I’m down there).

This image is not mine. I pulled it from the net. It belongs to

Well, time has past and for the last two years, my dad and I would sit back and reminisce about the good o’ days when we were kids and he’d take us to the fair every year, go school clothes shopping every year, take us to the beaches practically every weekend almost, different parks and company BBQ’s from when he used to work at Wells Fargo as a money carrier. Yea, you know those red trucks filled with money? He used to drive those around town…. in Miami!! lol. Only God kept him protected.

My dad thought it’d be a neat idea to go to that fair again. We tried going last year but it was too last minute of an idea for us to plan. So, for 2014, it’s been in the calendar as a date since last year. All the preparations have been made and we are so excited to experience it together again. This time, I will bring my lovely Delilah to document the day. It will be grand!

This is my cool charming dad!

I adore him!

Me, my Dad, and Geo (my lil’-not-so-little Bro) =P

He loves the ocean water!

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