Noel + Fabiola’s couples session | Davenport, Fl

I can’t even begin to say how much I love these two. They are basically a mini me version of John and I, except we’re a lot cooler. LOL.

Noel is John’s younger brother, who has this FABulously gorgeous girlfriend, FABiola (that’s why she’s FABulous! Get it!? -__-) LOL. They are high school sweet hearts going on 3 years. Since they’re reaching their third year mark of their relationship, I’d thought it’d only be appropriate to have a session of them. I mean, look at them…. who wouldn’t want to capture this hot couple on their camera?

We love them so much. It’s been real sweet to have seen them grow so much as individuals and as a couple together. And only the very best is absolutely wished for their future.

Noel and Fabiola thanks for letting me capture your sweet, young, and fun love.

Love always,


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