Miami County Youth Fair – Miami, Fl

This gallery contains 15 photos.

So the weekend has past and it’s time to share. We had the fun experience of heading to this year’s Miami Dade Youth Fair. I’m always particularly excited when I prep to go to Miami just because I get to … Continue reading

Prepping for this weekend – Miami-Dade County Youth Fair

This gallery contains 4 photos.

My dad thought it’d be a neat idea to go to that fair again. We tried going last year but it was too last minute of an idea for us to plan. So, for 2014, it’s been in the calendar as a date since last year. All the preparations have been made and we are so excited to experience it together again. Continue reading

Last wedding gig of 2013

A description of my last wedding gig of 2013. Third assistant to Frank Donnino for a beautiful Jewish wedding located in Boynton Beach. Almost a full three hour drive from home. Continue reading

Black Friday 2013

Oh sweet Thanksgiving Day. While we are thankful to have jobs, we are one of those affected by the national infection called Black Friday. It’s one of the only nights of the year I don’t get to sleep with my hubby. That’s when I have small tiny complaints about it. Continue reading

Wedding Journal | First Wedding Experience and What I learned

This is simply a wedding journal of my experience during our first wedding gig. It offers tips or general idea of a beginners perspective and how easily we can forget essential things, no matter how much studying was done or preparation. First time wedding gigs, wedding practice, no flash ceremony, group shots preparations. Continue reading

The New Kid in School

August PUG meet

Welcome September. Can’t believe you’re here already. 

August Review. So in the month of August, I was able to make it to two photography networking events. While the people I met at these different events were nice people. I still felt as though I was out of place. Maybe because it was my first time OBVIOUSLY but it definitely felt like the 1st day of school where you’re the new kid and you don’t know anyone but everyone else seem to be part of a crew they’re already involved. I did, however, learn a lot and took so many notes. Like, how to keep your brand consistent and provide excellent bridal experience to your customers. I gained some knowledge and feel eager to apply those things to my little start up company. SO much to do but so little time! This is where reality becomes a challenge that continues to slap me around. Working a full time job located about an hour away from home puts a lot of physical stress on my body. With only 3 -4 hours in my evening to do little to nothing at times. I get home, I have to talk about my day with John. Then I have to eat, clean up, shower, sometimes to go to Bible studies on Wednesday and Thursday nights. Get ready for the next day…. for what? I feel anxious to get home just so I can work on more material to push out or learn something new to enhance my photographic skills. Sitting in my little cubicle all day pushes me to to really dream BIG.

I don’t know what lies ahead of me but all I know is that I prefer to go on photo sessions and help a bride prepare for her big day, be out on the road under the sun. Who wants to be stuck in a regular nine to five job, sitting on their butt all day. As for me, I honestly feel like I’m wasting my life away in this killing routine. That’s how it feels most of the time while I’m at work. Although, I always have to be remember to be grateful for what I DO have because truthfully this is God’s way of providing for me in this season. I believe that He knows my dreams and my heart and if it’s His will he will enable me with the strength to make those things possible through Him and door will indeed open along the way. 

Patiently waiting…