Craig & Jessica – An Hollis Garden Wedding | Lakeland, Fl

This gallery contains 52 photos.

The ceremony took place at the Hollis Garden in Lakeland, follow by an awesome reception party at the Peggy Brown Building. One of my most favorite parts of the whole wedding is an image I captured while Jessica walked her way down to the front and the tears of joy and happiness Craig let out as he watched her. This was breathless. Another one I love is when they were listening to their pastor speak about the meaning of marriage and the roles they will take on as a husband and wife. Continue reading

First post

Hello World,

Welcome to my new blog. I’m Karen Peña representing Bride’s Anchor Photography. This is one of the many ways I would like to communicate with my clients and those who just love photography. In some cases I’ll share experiences I might encounter while establishing a start up business and the personal effects it might take on me, other times I’ll share encouraging thoughts based on my spiritual beliefs. I’ve been photographing all sorts of things for the past 2 years. You can view some of my former work here: However, for the past year, I knew in my heart that I wanted my photography company to actually mean something more to me on a personal level. I never truly felt a connection with Lilamae photography, maybe because I don’t who she is. After many months of thinking and praying, I knew what I wanted was something that was specific to weddings and at the same time bring a Christian meaning behind it that will bring honor to my God.  This is who I am. I love God and love wedding photography. That’s where my hubby, John, and I thought of “Bride’s Anchor”.

So here we are. Welcome to my first blog ever. Come back often, as I hope to continue to post new material on a weekly basis. Have questions or comments, post them down below. I’d love to hear from you all. You will see my ups and downs but most of all, the grace of God strong enough to carry me out through them.

Faithfully yours,
