My First Jewish Wedding Experience – Boynton Beach, Florida Wedding

This gallery contains 40 photos.

For the most part, they were all indoor shots and I didn’t have all my lighting equipment. Thankfully, I was just a shooting assistant to this amazing mentor, Frank Doninno. Continue reading

Happy New Year 2014

Wow. This is post is overdue. I must make a confession. Although the holidays season is suppose to be the “happiest time of the year”, it’s almost the complete opposite for me for various reasons. One, stress! You have to go here, you have to go there. Be in three places at the same time. My heart rates is at it’s highest in this time of the year. lol. Two, I eventually begin to feel extremely overweight because of all the delicious foods and desserts I consume from all the family gatherings, church functions, and friends get together I get to attend. It’s horrible. Plus my hubby is a young diabetic and it gets very hard to manage his sugar levels in this time of the year. Third, its just non stop busy. There’s no time to relax. I noticed this year with trying to balance business tasks, I easily fell behind. Very hard when you work full time and only have 3 hours to either focus on business, not abandon your loved ones, etc. While I’m so grateful to have friends and families which lead to busy holiday times, I’m just sharing how c-r-a-z-y (cray-cray) it can be and I’m looking forward to this downtime now that 2014 is finally here! =D

Well, it is definitely the first week of 2014. I’m very excited because I’ve already caught up on some things I needed to get done. I still have some more.

Some of my goals for this year are the following:

  1. Launch my official website in February
  2. Complete a commercial video for my site.
  3. Have brand consistency on all sites (Website, Facebook, Blog, Twitter)
  4. Create a better organized workflow with client emails
  5. Book at least 5-15 weddings this year (praying)
  6. More pro-activity on my blog
  7. Learn more, shoot more, book more.

This is one blog i follow for fitness inspiration. I know fitness has nothing to do with photography but it does in some ways. This passion does require a lot of energy, balance, and good mood. lol. I believe fitness is one way to achieve those things. I love to work out. I only wish I can do it more often. But here is a link to goals I agree on to implement on a personal and even business level. Courtesy to this Fitness Blog. Enjoy!

5 Mantras That Will Help You Reach Your Goals in 2014 by Zuzka Light

1. I’m going to do my best to see the positive side in everything, in order to stay calm and happy.

2. If I run into a challenge, I won’t say the words “I can’t” as an automatic response, but I will consciously try to find a way to work things out.

3. I will do something every day that will get me one step closer to my goals. 

4. I will praise myself for every little accomplishment instead of beating myself up for every little misstep.

5. I will keep my mind open to try new things, in order to grow as a person. 

Last wedding gig of 2013

A description of my last wedding gig of 2013. Third assistant to Frank Donnino for a beautiful Jewish wedding located in Boynton Beach. Almost a full three hour drive from home. Continue reading

Mr. & Mrs. Herrera – Davenport Wedding

bride's anchor photography

The order of this wedding was very very unique. They started with the ceremony, followed by a toast and cutting of the cake with some of their guest. Shortly after that, they ended the night meeting their guest for dinner at Arabellas Italian Ristorante. Continue reading

Black Friday 2013

Oh sweet Thanksgiving Day. While we are thankful to have jobs, we are one of those affected by the national infection called Black Friday. It’s one of the only nights of the year I don’t get to sleep with my hubby. That’s when I have small tiny complaints about it. Continue reading

David + Oksana Mole | Leu Gardens | Orlando, Fl | Wedding Anniversary

This is Oksana and David’s wedding anniversary session. If I can describe them, I’d say they are such sweet, humble, patient and loving people. Continue reading